Swiss SME Export Prospects in 2025 (Switzerland Global Enterprise, Feb. 2025)
February 10, 2025/by latcam_adminTrade Trend Estimates Latin America and the Caribbean (IDB, 2025 Edition)
January 14, 2025/by latcam_adminEconomic Survey of Latin America and the Caribbean, 2024 (ECLAC/CEPAL, August 2024)
August 20, 2024/by latcam_adminFintech Ecosystem in Latin America and the Caribbean Exceeds 3,000 Startups (IDB, June 20, 2024)
June 24, 2024/by latcam_adminSwitzerland-Latin America: Economic Relations Report 2024 (SECO)
March 28, 2024/by latcam_adminLatAm Tax Insights by Mazars (March 2024)
March 22, 2024/by latcam_adminAnnual Report 2023 (IFC)
March 19, 2024/by latcam_adminMore action needed to tackle disinformation and enhance transparency of online platforms (OECD)
March 5, 2024/by latcam_adminEconomic Survey of Mexico (OECD, Febr. 2024)
February 28, 2024/by latcam_adminIDB President’s Report 2023 (Dec. 2023)
January 31, 2024/by latcam_adminWorld Competitiveness Ranking 2023 (IMD)
December 5, 2023/by latcam_adminRestoring growth – OECD Economic Outlook (November 2023)
December 2, 2023/by latcam_adminInternational Trade Outlook for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC/CEPAL, Nov. 2023)
November 13, 2023/by latcam_adminAmérica Latina en movimiento: competencias y habilidades para la cuarta revolución Industrial en el contexto de pospandemia (IDB/BID, Oct. 2023)
October 26, 2023/by latcam_adminEconomic Survey of Peru (OECD, September 2023)
October 11, 2023/by latcam_adminHandbook on measuring digital trade (IMF, OECD, UNCTAD, WTO)
August 29, 2023/by latcam_adminIDB and IMF deepen ties … (June 2023)
June 23, 2023/by latcam_adminSwitzerland Latin America: Economic Relations Report 2023 (SECO)
April 28, 2023/by AndreA Fragile Recovery (OECD Economic Outlook, March 2023)
March 19, 2023/by AndreLatin American Economic Outlook 2022: Towards a green and just transition (OECD, Nov. 2022)
November 17, 2022/by latcam_adminShedding light on the drivers of services tradability over two decades (OECD, Oct. 2022)
October 25, 2022/by latcam_adminProgress on the 2030 Agenda will be decided in cities (ECLAC, Sep. 2022)
October 10, 2022/by latcam_adminWirtschaftsbericht Kolumbien 2021
August 12, 2022/by latcam_adminEconomic Slowdown Deepens in Latin America and the Caribbean: Average Regional Growth of 1.8% Expected in 2022 (ECLAC)
June 7, 2022/by latcam_adminDevelopments in the prices of natural resources for export in Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC)
May 19, 2022/by latcam_adminRevenue Statistics in Latin America and the Caribbean 2022 (OECD)
May 9, 2022/by latcam_adminSwitzerland – Latin America Economic Relations Report 2022 (SECO)
May 3, 2022/by latcam_adminRadiografía de las empresas Multilatinas y las multinacionales de América Latina (BID, abril 2022)
April 25, 2022/by latcam_adminStatistical Yearbook for Latin America and the Caribbean 2021 (ECLAC)
April 14, 2022/by latcam_adminEY Law Guía de Negocios FinTech 2021-2022 (Peru)
April 12, 2022/by latcam_adminDevelopment Effectiveness Overview (IDB)
March 21, 2022/by latcam_adminTrust: The Key to Social Cohesion and Growth in Latin America and the Caribbean (IDB)
March 21, 2022/by latcam_adminBeyond Borders 2021-2022: How digital payments and e-commerce are gaining traction in Latin America (EBANX)
February 25, 2022/by latcam_adminHow to finance sustainable development: Recovery from the effects of COVID-19 in Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC)
February 3, 2022/by latcam_adminSocial Panorama of Latin America 2021 (ECLAC)
February 2, 2022/by latcam_adminTrade trends estimates Latin America and the Caribbean (IDB), 2022 edition
January 19, 2022/by latcam_adminPreliminary Overview of the Economies of Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC)
January 18, 2022/by latcam_adminDigital Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Central America (IFC)
December 16, 2021/by latcam_adminLatin American Economic Outlook 2021 (OECD)
December 11, 2021/by latcam_adminAn innovative financing for development agenda for the recovery in LAC (ECLAC)
December 7, 2021/by latcam_adminFederal Council sets future direction for foreign economic policy (Nov. 24, 2021)
November 24, 2021/by latcam_adminFighting bid rigging in the health sector in Peru (OECD)
November 23, 2021/by latcam_adminHow’s Life in Latin America? Measuring well-being for Policy Making (OECD)
October 28, 2021/by latcam_adminLatest Reports from OECD on LatAm countries
October 5, 2021/by latcam_adminPlan for self-sufficiency in health matters in Latin America and the Caribbean: lines of action and proposals (ECLAC)
September 24, 2021/by latcam_adminForeign Direct Investment in Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC)
August 18, 2021/by latcam_adminUN survey on LAC youth within the context of the COVID-19 pandemic (ECLAC)
June 24, 2021/by latcam_adminClosing digital gap could create15 mn jobs in LAC (IDB)
June 24, 2021/by latcam_adminIDB President Claver-Carone Unveils New Vision, Mobilizes Support for Recapitalization
May 14, 2021/by latcam_adminRevenue statistics in Latin America and the Caribbean 2021
May 6, 2021/by latcam_adminUsing trade to fight COVID-19 (OECD)
May 4, 2021/by latcam_adminG2M-Promotional Industry Reports on Brazil (Switzerland Global Enterprise)
April 13, 2021/by latcam_adminAnuario estadístico de América Latina y el Caribe 2020 (CEPAL / ECLAC)
April 1, 2021/by latcam_adminSwitzerland – Latin America Economic Relations Report 2021 (SECO)
March 29, 2021/by latcam_adminBuilding forward better: Action to strengthen the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (ECLAC/CEPAL)
March 17, 2021/by latcam_adminSocial Panorama of Latin America (ECLAC / Cepal)
March 11, 2021/by latcam_adminStrengthening the recovery: the need for speed (OECD)
March 10, 2021/by latcam_adminFree competition in the post-pandemic digital era (ECLAC)
March 2, 2021/by latcam_adminECA benchmark analysis – SERV among top performers
February 16, 2021/by latcam_adminFailure to contain COVID jeopardises Latin America recovery (IMF)
February 14, 2021/by latcam_adminTrazar desde el origen: facilitando el comercio regional con Blockchain (BID)
February 11, 2021/by latcam_adminLíderes empresariales analizan integración económica y oportunidades de nearshoring (BID)
February 3, 2021/by latcam_adminInternational Trade Outlook for Latin America and the Caribbean 2020 (ECLAC/CEPAL)
January 26, 2021/by latcam_adminBalance preliminar des las economías de LAC (CEPAL)
December 16, 2020/by latcam_adminThe Mobile Economy Latin America (
December 12, 2020/by latcam_adminGetting goods across borders in times of COVID-19 (OECD)
December 1, 2020/by latcam_adminServices Trade Cockpit 2020 (SECO Report)
November 25, 2020/by latcam_adminEconomic Survey for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC)
November 25, 2020/by latcam_adminECLAC reaffirms its focus on Sustainability and Equality
November 10, 2020/by latcam_adminLaunch of the OECD Centre on Well-Being, Inclusion, Sustainability and Equal Opportunity (WISE), November 25, 2020
November 10, 2020/by latcam_adminOECD Report: Latin American Economic Outlook 2020 (Digital Transformation for Building Back Better)
October 12, 2020/by latcam_adminWill Latin America take advantage of supply chain shifts? (The Economist Intelligence Unit Report, free download)
September 2, 2020/by latcam_adminECLAC Special Report: The effects of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic on international trade and logistics
August 11, 2020/by latcam_adminOECD-Social Institutions and Gender Index (SIGI) Report 2020 on Latin America and the Caribbean
August 9, 2020/by latcam_adminSectors and Businesses Facing COVID-19: Emergency and Reactivation (ECLAC / CEPAL)
July 8, 2020/by latcam_adminAnálisis de situación e impacto del coronavirus en América Latina y el Caribe CORONAVIRUS (ATREVIA)
June 21, 2020/by latcam_adminThe World Bank – Global Economic Prospects
June 10, 2020/by latcam_adminStudy on the Economic Impact of COVID-19 (ECLAC / CEPAL)
May 28, 2020/by latcam_adminAnálisis de situación e impacto del coronavirus en América Latina y el Caribe (ATREVIA)
May 20, 2020/by latcam_adminSwitzerland – Latin America Economic Relations Report 2020 by SECO
April 8, 2019/by latcam_adminSwitzerland – Latin America: Economic Relations Report 2019 by SECO
April 3, 2019/by latcam_admin
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