Dinner with the President of Paraguay (January 2025)

Linda Walker and Gabriela Lippe-Holst, President and Vice-President of LATCAM respectively, followed an invitation by SECO to take part in a dinner with Santiago Peña, President of Paraguay, on the occasion of his visit in Geneva on January 30, 2025. The dinner was attended by a small but powerful group of Swiss corporate leaders.

For more information on President Peña’s meeting with Federal Councillor Guy Parmelin, please read the official Press Release: LINK.


AICC Business Community Gala Night (Geneva, March 21, 2025)


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LATCAM Invitation for the AICC Business Community Gala Night 2025

Dear Members, Partners and Friends,

I am delighted, in the name of the Association of International Chambers of Commerce (AICC), to share with you who are part of our distinguished worldwide LATCAM community, this official invitation for the third Business Community Gala Night on March 21, 2025.

After two very successful and sold out Gala Night experiences, LATCAM and the other international Chambers of Commerce in Switzerland who are part of the AICC look forward to welcoming their guests at the Hotel President Wilson in Geneva, which provides excellent opportunity for socializing and personal networking as well as music and entertainment.

Please read the details outlined in the below flyer.

Gala Night flyer p1
Gala Night flyer p2

Members of LATCAM and their spouses pay CHF 200 per person, non-members CHF 240. Please email your registration to latcam@latcam.ch mentioning:

  • the full names of all attendees,
  • their organizations,
  • the email of the invoice receiver(s),
  • food restrictions.


Invoices will be issued immediately confirming registration and must be paid to the LATCAM account within 14 days.

Cancellation policy: You are entitled to full reimbursement before March 14, 2025. If you need to cancel thereafter, you are welcome to send a replacement. Late cancellations and no-shows will not be reimbursed.


As in previous years, we are very grateful to the sponsors who support this extraordinary event. If you would like to become a sponsor of the AICC Gala Night 2025, please refer to the various options in the sponsorship package below and let me know your choice as soon as possible so that your logo can be included. Additionally, you have the possibility to book a table of 10 seats for yourself and your guests (CHF 2000). The first full tables will have the place nearest to the stage.

AICC_sponsoring package (PDF)

I already look forward to welcoming you to this high-powered and wonderful cross-Chamber networking event next March.

Tatjana Gaspar,
Managing Director, LATCAM

Footer 2025


Presidential transition at LATCAM (as of January 1, 2025)

We wish to inform our worldwide constituency that Ramon Esteve who has been the President of the Latin American Chamber of Commerce in Switzerland (LATCAM) since June 2019, is resigning from his position effective January 1, 2025.

Ramon Esteve, an accomplished corporate leader, Board member of the commodities trading company ECOM Agroindustrial Corp. Ltd. near Lausanne, and long-time President of the Swiss Trading and Shipping Organization (STSA) has served on the Board of LATCAM for many years. During this time, those who had the pleasure of working with Ramon came to appreciate his calm wisdom, visionary spirit, dedication, and common sense that helped steer the Chamber through difficult times. We are grateful to Ramon for all the years of smooth and pleasant collaboration and his unwavering support of our cause.

Ramon has accepted to remain involved as Honorary Chairman of the LATCAM Board and standing member of the Executive Committee.

At the same time, we are delighted to announce the Board’s unanimous approval that, effective January 1, 2025, Linda Walker von Graffenried assume the Presidency of LATCAM ad interim until formal confirmation during the Annual General Meeting 2025.

Linda Walker, a consummate finance professional, Managing Director of Walker von Graffenried Asset Management in Zurich, and dedicated Board member, has been involved with LATCAM for many years, whereby the Chamber could profit extensively from her worldwide connections, and her inclusive, solution and growth-oriented approach. Since 2016, Linda is also the Honorary Consul of Mexico in Zurich.

We congratulate Linda for her nomination as the first female President of LATCAM and look forward to continuing our productive collaboration with her!

Further changes on the Board of LATCAM will be visible on our website as of January 2025 and are also subject to ultimate confirmation by the AGM.

LATCAM Newsletter 7th edition (December 2024)

We are delighted to present you with the 7th edition of our Newsletter. To read, please click on the following


LATCAM @Pódium Punto Latino (September 27, 2025)

The 8th Edition of the Pódium Punto Latino took place at the Haute Ecole de Gestion in Fribourg and was labelled “Negociación Mercosur-AELC: Potencial de las Relaciones de Comercio e Inversión”.

Ramon Esteve, President of LATCAM, and Daniel Otero, Coordinator of the LATCAM Youth Committee, were among the panelists of this important and well-attended event.



LATCAM Youth Committee News

We are delighted to announce that Daniel Otero, who has been involved from the start with the LATCAM Youth Committee (LYC), has now officially taken the role of Coordinator for this dynamic young chapter of LATCAM.

Daniel has a Bacherlor’s in International Relations from Universidad Iberoamericana, Mexico City, and a Master’s in International Affairs and Governance with Specialization in Sustainability and Development from University of St.Gallen, Switzerland.

Daniel’s primary responsibility as a Coordinator of the LYC includes organizing events that bring together young professionals and graduate students who share a common strong interest in or connection with Latin America with senior stakeholders for a productive and meaningful exchange. We look forward to events on diverse topics of relevance for Latin America in different parts of Switzerland.

Interested persons who wish to be part of the LATCAM Youth Committee or who want to contribute actively as voluteers should contact Daniel by email: youthcom@latcam.ch.

LATCAM Newsletter 6th Edition (June 2024)

We are pleased to publish today the 6th edition of our LATCAM Newsletter.

To read it, please click on this LINK.

Business Matchmaking Forum – Macrorrueda 100 – Colombia (April 22-26, 2024)

The Macrorrueda 100 is the main international trade promotion activity carried out in Colombia by the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism through ProColombia. It connects Colombian exporters and international buyers with common commercial interests, with the aim of facilitating the creation of business opportunities between the parties.

This edition commemorates the 100th version of the ProColombia Export Macroround and will be held from April 22 to 26, 2024 in Cartagena de Indias , the venue where this activity was carried out for the first time.

To read more, please click on the following LINK

Expodireto – Cotrijal agribusiness fair, Brazil (March 4-8, 2024)

Expodireto Cotrijal is one of the largest international agribusiness fairs. Focused on technology and business, it makes a decisive contribution to the development of the sector as a whole. The main objective is to bring the producer closer to knowledge, information, technology established and established in research bodies or private companies, great business opportunities and also important debates linked to rural areas.

To read more, please click on the following LINK

Latin America 2024 Outlook: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly (Americas Market Intelligence)


To read the article, please click on the following LINK.