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Webinar COVID-19: Impact, Policy Responses and Perspectives for Latin America (June 25, 2020)

25. junio, 2020 @ 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm

LATCAM is very honored and pleased to propose a webinar featuring as guest speaker Mario Cimoli, Deputy Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission on Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) and co-chair of a policy task force at Columbia University (NY) with Joseph E. Stiglitz, Nobel Prize Laureate in Economic Sciences..
Latin America is facing presently the worst recession of its history and struggles to overcome the pandemic COVID-19.
Dr Mario Cimoli will proceed first to a diagnostic of the region highlighting the differences across countries and their underlying reasons. What are the health, social and economic strengths and weaknesses of Latin America entering the crisis? How is Latin America currently affected? What external and internal imbalances is the crisis creating?
He will then look at the policy responses of the governments, their impact on economic activity, the risks involved and the constraints. Do governments have the means to address the crisis? How do they set priorities? How to minimize the impact on economic activity? How to avoid a surge of poverty and extreme poverty?
Finally, Dr. Mario Cimoli will turn to the perspectives. How will post-COVID 19 Latin America look like? What will change drastically? What will be the impact on regional integration? Has globalization still a future? What forms will it take in the future?
ECLAC is a UN agency comprised of 33 Latin American and Caribbean member states together with several Asian, European and North American nations. Its mission is to generate and disseminate analyses and policy proposals aimed at strengthening the participation of the Latin American and Caribbean region in global trade and fostering regional integration. ECLAC focuses on sustainability, poverty eradication and addressing inequalities. To monitor the latest developments, ECLAC has established the COVID-19 Observatory that presents updated information on each country’s policy announcements.

Our Speaker

Mario Cimoli, Deputy Executive Secretary, Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC)
Mario Cimoli was appointed in the position of Deputy Executive Secretary of ECLAC on August 1st, 2018. He is also Chief of the Division of Production, Productivity and Management and Officer-in-Charge of the Division of International Trade and Integration. He is the co-chair (along with Giovanni Dosi and Joseph Stiglitz) of two of the task forces (industrial policy and intellectual property right regimes for development) of the Initiative for Policy Dialogue at Columbia University (New York).
A PhD in economics from the University of Sussex, his research deals with development paths, economic growth and its relationship with the productive structure, and international trade. His work examines the interconnections between industrial policy, technological development and innovation. His most important publications include Learning, Technological Capabilities and Structural Dynamics (2011); Innovation and Economic Development: the Impact of Information and Communication Technologies in Latin America (2010); Industrial Policy and Development, The Political Economy of Capabilities Accumulation (with Dosi, G. and J. E. Stiglitz, 2009); and Institutions and policies in developing economies (with Dosi, G., R. R. Nelson, and J. E. Stiglitz, 2009).

Our moderator







Philippe G. Nell, Honorary Ambassador of the Latin American Chamber of Commerce in Switzerland

Mr. Nell is University Lecturer on trade, investment and integration policy as well as negotiating techniques. Until October 2019, he was Deputy Assistant State Secretary for Bilateral Economic Affairs at the Swiss Department of Economic Affairs, Education and Research. He was in charge of bilateral trande and investment relations for the Americas and held the diplomatic title of Minister.
Mr. Nell holds a Ph.D from the Graduate Scholl of International Studies of the University of Denver and Masters from the universities of Fribourg, Carleton (Ottawa) and Denver. He is Private Docent at the University of Fribourg, where he dispenses courses. He has published numerous articles on trade and integration policy as well as a book on Swiss-EU negotiations for the European Economic Area.

To access the session recording, please click here: Link

To see Dr. Cimoli’s powerpoint presentations, please click on these links: Economic Diagnostic, Policy ResponsesPerspectives 2030 Agenda

For more information on ECLAC, click on the following Link

Form information on the UN Sustainable Development Goals, click on the following Link



25. junio, 2020
5:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Categoría del Evento:




Latin American Chamber of Commerce in Switzerland (LATCAM)


25. junio, 2020
5:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Categoría del Evento:




Latin American Chamber of Commerce in Switzerland (LATCAM)